
a quiescent volcano is a volcano that lies still but could get active at any time.
quiescent places are existing places that are sometimes active and sometimes not.

houses, apartments, sheds, sites etc that are used or inhabited, but not permanently.
the idea of this site is to create an informal network of such places and share them,
not for profit, but for the benefit of both : the places and the people.
instead of being abandoned for stretches of time these places could be a shelter,
a retreat, a place to come to rest or to concentrate when needed, alone or in company.

the network of quiescent places will never become a professional infrastructure.
each place has its specific and unique conditions and circumstances to be acknowledged and respected.
the network relies on the trust of those who provide the places
and the consideration of those who want to spend time there.
don't expect any services, don't leave traces, take responsability.

this site will provide a network of quiescent places, without revealing their concrete geolocations.
for some places you will find some basic information, in other cases only the contact address is revealed.

if you would like to spend time at a specific place and want to find out more about it,
you are welcome to get in touch with the owners or caretakers
and ask them about the conditions and availabilities.